Where It Started...
Let me take you back to 2004, a year that forever changed the course of my life. At the time, I was soaring high in my corporate career, basking in the glow of over 17 years of management and executive roles with renowned global lifestyle brands. Little did I know that an extraordinary awakening awaited me as I delved into the world of Chinese Energetic Medicine. This incredible journey ignited my intuitive abilities, setting me on a path of profound self-discovery.
For the past 14 years, it has been an absolute honor to guide incredible souls like yourself through Intuitive Personal & Business Readings and Energetic Healing sessions.
My passion for business has seamlessly intertwined with my intuitive gifts, leading me to create the awe-inspiring Business Insight Session, Accelerator Program, and more.
My mission? To help you reconnect with your higher self, bridging the gap between your conscious and subconscious energies, and unlocking the boundless potential that lies within ultimately creating the life you dream of.
Why I Do It...
Picture this: a tribe of amazing professionals, all marching to the beat of their own harmonic energetics. That's precisely what I'm fortunate enough to be a part of right now. I work hand in hand with these soulful entrepreneurs, assisting them in aligning their strategies and implementation with the innate energetic flow pulsating within their businesses and themselves. The result? Maximum alignment & success, my friends!
So, my fellow soulpreneurs, if you're yearning for a partnership that blends intuitive guidance, energetic alignment, and an unwavering passion for purpose-driven success, I warmly invite you to connect with me. Together, we'll tap into the extraordinary potential that lies within you and your business, creating waves of transformation that will ripple through every aspect of your life.
Get ready to embrace the magic that lives within, my loves and let's embark on this soulful journey together.
Book Your Free Discovery Session
Trainings, Experience + Clients

Managing Director, Summit on the Summit
VP Marketing, Contiki
North American Marketing Director, STA Travel
National Merchandising Manager, Quiksilver
Marketing Director, Freestyle
Business Analyst, Levi's
Account Image Specialist, Levi's

Foundation of Advanced Shamanic Studies
Traditional Chinese Reflexology
The Yuen Method
The Template Sacred Geometry (C11)
Traditional Thai Massage
Reiki I & II
Avatar Course (Advanced Courses)

P.S. The "J" stands for Julie, my first name, however, I come from a family that called their children by their middle name. So there's that!
Business + Lifestyle
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