The Quantum Healing Lab is an Interactive Live Virtual Training of the Quantum Integration™ Technique that Instantly Transmutes Blocks & Issues While Activating Your Intuition Beyond Measure

 The Quantum Healing Lab is an Interactive Live Virtual Training of the Quantum Integration™ method & technique that Transmutes Blocks & Issues While Activating Your Intuition Beyond Measure

Attn: Transformation Enthusiasts, Conscious Leaders & Spiritual Seekers

It’s Time to Master Your Intuition and Instantly Shift Life's Blocks and Challenges For Yourself & Others

"You cannot solve your problems from the same consciousness that created the problem." 

Albert Einstein

It's Time to Activate Your Innate Multidimensional Healing Superpowers...


You have it in you to instantly integrate (heal) Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Psychic issues. It's time to activate your innate multidimensional superpowers for self-healing and to activate the healed-self in others through this introductory training of the Quantum Integration™ Method.

This training doesn't just transform you and allow you to create the life you dream— it equips you with the quantum techniques to be a catalyst for change in the lives around you. Activating the Quantum aspect of you will enhance your well-being and allow you to become even more of a beacon of light for your community, clients, and loved ones. ✨

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Monique Evans in Prayer Hands

Monique Evans

Founder, Intuitive Freedom & The Quantum Healing Lab

Here's what a few Quantum Healing Lab participants have to say...

Q U A N T U M   H E A L I N G   L A B

“I especially love the speed with which Quantum Integration™ can address issues.

The Quantum Healing Lab was a transformative experience for me. It deepened my understanding of time, my intuition, and my power. Rather than for an appointment with a therapist, or any other type of practitioner, learning Quantum Integration™ empowers me to address issues immediately and see real results. For myself and other entrepreneurs, that ability to respond to whatever comes up is like a magical secret weapon. I would recommend the lab to anyone who is ready to take accountability and chart a better path forward in their personal and professional relationships.”

Amber Ashley James

Founder, Iziza & Velisa Wine


“Practicing the techniques to instantly bring yourself back to a healed state was mind-blowing.

What a magical experience! The Quantum Healing Lab is such a gift. Learning about the quantum is mind-expanding and then practicing the techniques to instantly bring yourself back to a healed state was mind-blowing. Understanding that we each have that spark, that magic inside us is so empowering. The class is well put together in a way that flows. It’s broken up into bite-sized chunks with practice groups at the end of each module with each one building upon itself. In the end, you’re creating miracles! I can’t thank you enough for providing me with a tool to improve my life in all aspects.”

Devin Lee

Bioresonance Practitioner

What is the Quantum Healing Lab & Intuitive Academy?

The Quantum Healing Lab is the container for training the Quantum Integration™ Method, a groundbreaking healing modality that transforms your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues swiftly and effectively. By addressing issues as fragmented energies, Quantum Integration restores your natural state of well-being in record time. This approach combines intuition and dimensional awareness to ensure accuracy and efficacy, making it one of the fastest healing experiences available. Most experience profound results in as little as five to ten minutes. Discover the power within yourself!

The Intuitive Academy™ represents the dynamic experience of intuitive activation that takes place authentically by way of Quantum Integration. As you master this advanced healing method, you naturally enhance your intuitive abilities.

"We are already healed & whole. We simply 'forgot' once we entered this 'time' construct. Let's unwind to our Remembrance..."

- Monique

What Could Happen if You Trusted Your Intuition and Integrated Your Challenges, Blocks & Issues?

Trust Your Intuition

Many struggle with trusting their intuition and feeling comfortable with their inner guidance. This process helps you build confidence in your intuitive abilities, empowering you to navigate life with ease and clarity.

Instant Issue Resolution

Dependence on external practitioners can leave you disempowered and in a waiting period. Quantum Integration™ equips you with the tools to address and integrate issues instantly, granting you the freedom to respond to challenges as they arise.

Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Destructive thoughts and limiting beliefs can create barriers in your personal and professional life. This method helps you identify and integrate these blocks, allowing you to move forward with confidence and a positive mindset in no time.

Empowered Self-Healing

Skepticism and self-doubt often hinder our growth. The Quantum Healing Lab makes esoteric energy work approachable and understandable, enabling you to integrate these practices effortlessly into your everyday life.

Improved Relationships

Resolving internal blocks can positively impact your relationships, leading to deeper connections and understanding.

Enhanced Well-being

Addressing challenges at a deeper level can contribute to improved mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Emotional Regulation

Managing emotional responses can be overwhelming. Quantum Integration™ supports emotional regulation and overall well-being, helping you stay balanced and "in flow" as you manage various responsibilities.

Emotional Liberation

Integrating issues and challenges can lead to emotional freedom, allowing you to experience greater joy and peace.

Increased Resilience

Learning to integrate challenges  upsets cultivates resilience, enabling you to bounce back stronger from perceived setbacks as there is an inner Remembrance to these concepts and you have the tools to alter the situation,

Manifestation Abilities

As you clear blocks, you may find it easier to manifest your desires and goals as you are instantly transported to the dimensions where they are attainable.

Spiritual Growth

The Quantum Integration Method can facilitate spiritual growth and connection, leading to a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Contribution to Others

By mastering this method, you can also help others clear their own blocks and challenges, leading to collective healing and transformation.

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"Instantly, during my first session, something AMAZING happened to my soul. 

It felt like the pounds of negativity, sadness, angry, confusion, frustration, blame, etc. had lifted out of my body and I am now able to enjoy my life without the thoughts and feelings of pain."

Bianca A.

"I was blown away by Quantum Integration!

I feel more full of light, grounded, and more empowered than ever before since working with Monique. I felt full of light and totally transformed after."

Erin P.

I N C L U D E D  I N 

The Quantum Healing Lab

&  I N T U I T I V E  A C A D E M Y

  • Live Virtual Interactive Sessions for Hands-On Mastery: The lab sessions are designed with interactivity at their core to ensure that you don't just remember that you already embody healing mastery but can apply the basis of the techniques. You'll engage in practical, hands-on exercises that will leave you confident in your ability to perform Quantum Integration™.
  • Comprehensive Workbook: Structured tools designed to guide you through each step of your quantum healing journey, capturing insights and breakthroughs.
  • Exclusive Audio Recordings: The sessions will be recorded and made available to you for four months, ensuring that you can revisit and deeply absorb every aspect of your quantum healing journey. With access to these recordings, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace, review complex concepts, and reinforce your practice long after the live sessions have ended.
  • Free 3 Months Access to the Private Community: Enjoy 3 months of free membership to both the Aspire Conscious Entrepreneur Community and the Quantum Healing Lab community where participants can connect with Monique monthly to continue practice, engage in expanding discussions, and support each other’s growth in a dedicated space.
  • Included Bonus Session: An extra opportunity to deepen your practice and refine your techniques under Monique’s expert guidance.

"You cannot solve your problems from the same consciousness that created the problem." 

Albert Einstein

 "Quantum Integration is a way out [of the matrix] by truly experiencing yourself as a multidimensional & healed being."

Monique Evans

more Quantum Healing Lab reviews...

Q U A N T U M   H E A L I N G   L A B 

"I had such amazing results working the process with Monique that I simply wanted to know more about it. It did not disappoint!

I must admit I went into it with some skepticism. Not concerning its effectiveness, but more so my own abilities. Monique takes this very esoteric energy work and makes it approachable and understandable. It has organically found a place in my everyday life because of this approach. I am less intimidated by decision-making in both my personal and professional life because of the tools I learned in the Lab. Having a process to approach any issues that arise is by far the best medicine.”

Lizzie Johnsen

Founder, Offerings Tea & St Bibiana Detox


“The Quantum Healing Lab has given me the tools to shift my mindset within a matter of a few minutes, and the implications of this are far-reaching.

We often get stuck in cycles of destructive thoughts or limiting beliefs, and it can feel impossible to shift out of that state. The Quantum Integration™ modality allows you to help yourself and others step outside of their identity and integrate what’s holding them back. Once you identify what’s holding you back you can move forward in your personal and professional life with confidence. It also helps fine-tune your intuition to make clearer, better decisions. I am so grateful to Monique for sharing her gifts and this life-changing method with us!”

Erica Bell

Founder, Erica Bell Pilates

Inside the lab, you will LEARN 

REMEMBER how to...


  • Activate Your Multidimensional Self & Experience Real Time Healing Results

You will have the opportunity to reawaken your dimensional ability to clear blocks, resolve issues, and alleviate pains. This training not only teaches you how but also shows you the immediate effectiveness of these methods, ensuring you leave ready to apply them with confidence.

  • Trust in Your Intuition

This training ensures that your intuitive abilities are not just awakened, but also validated and strengthened, turning intuition into one of your most reliable tools.

  • Experience Energetic Expansion and Clarity 

The Quantum Healing Lab is more than a learning remembrance experience; it's an opportunity to open up new possibilities and redefine what you can achieve in your personal and professional life by expanding your field through Quantum Integration.

  • Gain Confidence in Creating Your Future & Handling Things That Come Up 

You'll be equipped not only with new skills and insights but also with an inspired vision for what you can create in your life, fueled by your training and the transformative experiences you've undergone.

  • Connect with a High Vibe Like-Spirited Community

Engage with fellow participants, practice your new skills and share insights within a supportive and motivating environment. This collective offers continuous opportunities for practice and collaboration, helping you refine your techniques and solidify your confidence. Here, you can leverage collective wisdom, access exclusive group sessions and resources, and stay motivated through the supportive network of peers committed to their paths as Quantum Healers.

"You cannot solve your problems from the same consciousness that created the problem." 

Albert Einstein

I N C L U D E D  I N 

The Quantum Healing Lab

&  I N T U I T I V E  A C A D E M Y

  • Live Virtual Interactive Sessions for Hands-On Mastery: The lab sessions are designed with interactivity at their core to ensure that you don't just remember that you already embody healing mastery but can apply the basis of the techniques. You'll engage in practical, hands-on exercises that will leave you confident in your ability to perform Quantum Integration™.
  • Comprehensive Workbook: Structured tools designed to guide you through each step of your quantum healing journey, capturing insights and breakthroughs.
  • Exclusive Audio Recordings: The sessions will be recorded and made available to you for four months, ensuring that you can revisit and deeply absorb every aspect of your quantum healing journey. With access to these recordings, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace, review complex concepts, and reinforce your practice long after the live sessions have ended.
  • Free 3 Months Access to the Private Community: Enjoy 3 months of free membership to both the Aspire Conscious Entrepreneur Community and the Quantum Healing Lab community where participants can connect with Monique monthly to continue practice, engage in expanding discussions, and support each other’s growth in a dedicated space.
  • Included Bonus Session: An extra opportunity to deepen your practice and refine your techniques under Monique’s expert guidance. 
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"I have felt a million times better and more free in my life.

I’ve felt stuck and blocked in my business and life. Ever since my Quantum Integration session I have felt a million times better and more free in my life."

Michael F.

The Quantum Healing Lab FAQ's

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The Quantum Healing Lab Waitlist

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One more Lab available in 2024.