Self Coaching + Healing Online Course 

Includes Guide & Workbook and Weekly Group Sessions with Monique

For entrepreneurs, leaders, and individuals who are passionate about personal growth and seeking to enhance their journey towards success and fulfillment.

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, it's easy to become overwhelmed by fear, confusion, and various obstacles that hinder your progress.

That's where The Conscious Entrepreneurs Self Coaching & Healing Online Course comes in. This comprehensive course provides you with 7 transformative exercises that have been tried, tested, and proven to re-empower individuals like you. 

  • Guided course by Monique Evans, Founder of Intuitive Freedom

  • A 40-page guide, workbook, and journal to track your findings

  • Simple & proven exercises to instantly shift your state and provide profound insights

  • Step-by-step instructions to swiftly drop into meditative & intuitive states

  • Weekly Office Hours with Monique to fine-tune your multidimensional coaching & healing skills


Lovely to Meet You...

Congratulations, you made it! You're on your way to tapping in and strengthening your intuitive self enabling you to have clarity and confidence in all that you do!

​I'm so excited for you to get started in accessing your intuition and experience your own personal magic with my 12-page e-Book, Journal, and Guided Audio!

Be sure to download the e-Book before you listen to the audio to log your insights and answers as you explore your intuitive field.

And, don't forget to practice daily as the more you do, the easier it becomes to identify & hear your inner voice, anywhere, any time & in 60 seconds or less!

If you'd like to explore your intuition on a deeper level to help your personal or professional life, schedule a Free Discovery Session with me.

​Enjoy, and have fun exploring your own innate superpowers!

Explore, Experience + Expand.



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